Investor Education
We provide guidance to investors in their journey of investing in unquoted / unlisted shares. We help investors from the most preliminary steps like educating them how the unquoted / unlisted share markets work, how to transact in unlisted shares, what are the things an investor should know about unquoted investments, various pit falls to avoid in journey of investing and tips on successful investing.
For more details on frequently asked questions, Click Here.
For more details on useful literature on investing in unlisted shares, Click Here.

Buying/Selling shares through us
We help investors and individuals holding unlisted / unquoted shares to buy or sell unlisted shares through us. To know more about the process, what price and safety advantages we offer over other brokers in the unlisted space, please click here.

Monetizing ill-liquid unquoted investments
We help employees working with unlisted companies to sell their shares and free up blocked capital. This may help them in meeting their personal needs like funding home loans, investing in more liquid assets, meeting any other financial need arising out of the stage of life cycle they are in. We typically buy shares from ESOP pools and from investors and pass them on other investors who have longer term need of higher returns and can wait longer periods after making investments.

Recovering Lost investments/transferring securities
If you have lost/misplaced your physical share certificates, then our legal team will do the necessary Affidavit, Indemnity bond, Surety, Police FIR, Notory, Bank Attested Signature etc needed for you to obtain duplicate share certificates. We also assist in transmission cases for shares of listed markets where death of any share holder has taken place. All these services will be provided at reasonable cost.
For more details or queries, please get in touch with us by writing back to us on info@unlistedinvestments.com. We will be happy to assist you with your doubts and even your trades.